Walker Schearer
Walker SchearerOwner
Walker Schearer is a co-host of Shoot Straight TV, and has been fortunate to have hunted extensively all around the world. He is also an Ambassador for Cabela’s. Walker has a deep passion for dogs, especially bird dogs. He has started his own kennel raising and training dogs. Walker currently trains Labrador Retrievers and English Springer Spaniels with American Pointers also in the near future.

Walker has been blessed to have some of the greatest mentors available and has gained much knowledge and training under them. One being, Marty Knibbs, a professional field trial trainer and 7 time National Springer Spaniel Champion. Also, John Pampy, a previous champion winning many field-trial competitions, and now a national amateur field trial judge for Labrador’s. Both of these mentors are well-recognized and highly respected in the bird dog world.

Walker’s current dogs now have been featured on national hunting show “Shoot Straight TV” and have retreived for many hunting trips and several major hunting companies while in the field including gun engineers for Browning, Kimber, and also gun buyers for Cabela’s to name a few.
